So we all remember kelis right? The R&B, hip-hop, pop singer-songwritter kelis? "Caught out there", "Young fresh n' New", "Get along with you"? Well if you still can't get your head to it, her biggest hit "Milkshake" made us dance and realize that the key to attract a mate is to prepare milkshakes correctly...right?
here's a little reminder anyway:
But that was it for her for most people. Her other singles "bossy", "millionaire", "trick me" and such didn't cause a major impact on the pop mainstream and she practicaly went back to be under the radar. (Which is quite sad considering she has had a really succesfull career on the music business)
But Now after 06's "Kelis was here" she's back with a new look, new sound and a new single.
The name of her newest single is "A capella", the reference to singing without music is really tasty, the lyrics? not that much. It starts with the line:
"I was walking, was living My melody was acapella
And you think, well this might be good, but then it develops to the classical love song with the:
"Before you, My whole life was acapella Now a symphony’s The only song to sing"
I mean, what happened to the objectifying women, milkshake making, bossy kelis? This sounds too mellow for her. But at the end of the day, the lyrics are not half as bad as the music. Now, I don't know who's responsible for it but whomever this is, needs to be slapped in the face, the music sounds like a rusty, old fashioned house/electro; or whatever they thought they were doing.
It is not as bad as I make it sound, just so you know, it is actualy pretty catchy, the drum line is very cool, the saw's are very well placed and has that sound that everybody is doing nowadays, but it just pisses me off a bit that music is just getting more and more recicled. (Well at least she didn't pull a "Not my self tonight" by xtina) But you be the judge:
NOW, when I looked at the video I was literaly speechless, the video is ART, is TRIBAL, is an EDITORIAL orgasm.
Every single scene on this video is fashion impersonated, and who else could be responsible for this than our beloved Rankin, co-founder of DAZED AND CONFUSED (Je t'adore Dazed).
The photography and lights that they used on the video is very well planned and directed. The editing is just brilliant. The vibrating wild, golden, jungle vibe the video portrays is refreshing; very different from the clubbing/partying/hanging out/futuristic looking videos we've been bombed with for the past couple years. (There's only so much robots and technologic shit we can take.)
The outfits are not expected but very much appretiated, The yellow dress towards the end is very Prêt-à-porter (Just take the exagerated tail and you're ready to go summer) along with the brown dress-like thing on the dessert scene.
The feathery head peace on the first scenes is definitely current (I am dying to get my hands on one of those) so kudos to the outfits department in charge of this video, they seriously did a brilliant job.
Now in the other hand, talking about make up, there are some parts in which I just want to rub a napkin on her face, e.g: whatever they tried to do with those black lines on her face during the meddley. All the make up in the other scenes is pretty much flawless, so I don't know what happened in there.
Last but not least, the hair. A mullet...REALLY?
Enough said. Hair department needs to get shot.
So watch/enjoy the video and leave your comments about it. Thank you for reading!
So it's sunday! The laziest of days (at least for me I don't know about you). You wake up late, sometimes you don't take a shower and even stay in your pj's all day. So what better way to lift up the mood than with a marvelous Youtube video.
There are lots of people on youtube that are desperately looking for attention, doing whatever they can to get it, dressing up as women/men, doing parodies of videos or simply just trying to hard to be funny. And it's not that there's something wrong with them, is just's too much.
Sometimes you bump into something actualy very different and original, like this:
Merton (that's the name of the guy according to his youtube account) is an amazing pianist that has a really good voice and an overall amazing attitude, he takes everything very lightly and uses every pound of his creativity to turn creepy Chatroulette conversations into something really fun and cool to watch.
As he starts playing you can feel a smile suddenly appearing on your face (I know I had a huge grin), then he starts singing and you go: "wow he's good", then you listen to what he's singing about and madness begins; I know I would love to bump into this guy if I ever DARE going on chatroulette.
As soon as you think: "well next video might not be that good", he comes back with this:
A five minutes and eleven seconds of pure genious cake, I wouldn't say second video was funnier than the first one, but they come close to each other anyway.
Just the first few seconds of it and you're hooked, I mean the man couldn't go wrong with the purple dinasour. haha
Anyway enjoy!!! and thank you for reading! and I hope you have a good sunday laugh to this video.
I was walking on a sunny afternoon at campus with one of my best friends, drinking a smoothie and having a blast, then all the sudden a girl with this AMAZING hair style passed us by. As you are probably thinking; yes, my jaw dropped and I wished I had a camera with me so I could share it with you guys.
Anyway the whole jaw dropping made my friend and I talk about a major issue in everyones outfit, HAIR.
My belief is that hair is the only accesory you can't take off, you can change it, twist it, curl it, straighten it, cut it, color it. But you most definitely cannot take it off, even if you shave it, whatever you have on your head is still an accesory everyone is going to be looking at, I mean it's on your freaking head! haha.
So the debate started, Curly? Wavy? Straighty? and how to Weary?
For ages there has been TONS and tons of hair trends, from the amazing Jackie O, Audrey Hepburnesque signature classic hair, going through Farrah Fawcett and Jennifer Aniston's hair with body, and finalizing with todays hottest trends with Lady gaga and Rihanna.
But today we are drowned by hair trends that we can't keep up with, first with extensions then natural, wavey, short, long, colours AND MADNESS. The only good thing this flood of trends has brought down upon us is that, now more than ever, self expression through hair is as MUST.
So following the lines of the last denim post I'm giving you top 4 advices on how to wear your hair fashionably, without worrying about your hair type. there's a look for everyone!
So you have straight hair, or you like to straighten it?
Straight hair can sometimes look blah, coz let's face's just THERE. So accesorizing it, is an obligation for this or almost any season. A cute headband, a little feathery accesory, or even a bow can make up the entire outfit, little details are the ones that count. You don't want to put on some huge bunny ears or play dressup and put a tiara, let your beauty shine through it.
and If you think your hair is too short for any accesories, think again!
Ayla B is the perfect example of how to accesorize short hair. She could have been wearing a headband, or another kind of hat and she would have looked amazing. So no excuses!
But my hair is wavy! what should I do?
Most girls with wavey hair think that they should just give up on it and get their hair on a ponytail, or even straighten it. But what most people don't realize is that wavy hair is such an amazing look on most people, it gives fullness to the face and in some cases it also makes you look a bit more sophisticated.
Elrica L Look at the amazing wavy hair of Elrica L, she's wearing it fearlessly. No accesories and cute "swippedtooneside" fringe, she looks fresh, young and clearly posh.
Rachel Marie I If you are not feeling the whole fringy part of it, you can always try a straight bang and own it like Rachel Marie I is doing here. She might have taken the whole accesorizing thing to a whole new level with that bow (I would say it looks a bit too runway for the streets, but who am I to judge) a more quiet accesory would make this look street ready, I would love to see this with a smaller size bow, so if anyone dares, send a picture.
Virgin J Accesoryzing wavy hair is also possible without looking like a clown or like you're overdoing the whole thing. A turbant, or a headbang like this one:
Josephine M Could just make a simple outfit get to the next level.
My hair is curly to no cure! help??
I'm happy no announce that curly hair is so much more accepted now than ever, you don't have to gum it up, or over spray it to get a clean look, if styled gracefully you can even wear it loose Like Modistik V is doing here: Modistik V
Also if you think your hair is too much out of control, don't let it take over you, show your hair who's boss and knock it down with a hairband or a hat. Modistik V Look how amazingly gorgeous she looks like this, even hippie-ish, if you're into that kind of stuff.
Or: Modistik V Put that sucker down with a stylish hat. You can still look cute and definitely "in".
There's absolutely NO excuse for you now, get your hairbands/hats/mousses out! Next time you hit the streets someone elses jaw might drop just like mine did last time.
So anyway, any other point of view on the topic? any other ideas on how to style different types of hair? Comment and we'll edit this article with those.
We all know that amazing material that can stand, not only the bad treatment and the untired use we give to it, but also the test of time, Denim.
Denim for ages has been used as a casual look, not to dressy not too informal and just the right amount of rebellious attitude we need to keep us standing on our everyday routine, I mean we're blessed that denim can go along with most things, a day using denim is definitely a good day.
But let's face it, the simple blue denim jeans are officialy out of the door, no one wants to look like their parents did a few decades ago, even if "retro" is in nowadays; you want it to look fresh, unique and above it all stunning.
Please lord, spare us from evil
Here are a few tips on how to use your denim on this hot/steamy/moist season and look glamorous:
Throw a simple plaid shirt on top of denim shorts with matching shoes like Diego Dom is doing in here, pull your hair back or shorten it a bit (you know to let the air flow), add a dash of personality and you have a biker/rocker look that will definitely turn heads towards you. DIEGO D
Good thing this is not a look exclusively for dudes, Girls can pull it off just as easy, Put the same shorts maybe in a little more washed out colour, a little shearness or even the same plaid shirt a dude would wear, accesorize, heel it and girly it up a bit (no one wants to look butch) and BAM! Olivia L
Not good enough? Well let's spice it up a bit with a denim jacket. Put on a denim jacket on the same washed out short, put on a fresh tank top with a simple design, some necklaces or even a stack of bracelets and you're set to go like Perventina O is doing in here. She's fresh and HOT for this summer.
You don't like blue denim? NO PROBLEM, try darker shades of it, BUT be sure to freshen it up a bit on the top, otherwise you'll end up roasting yourself up, and no one likes someone that is sweating like a pig.
Like in this case, a shortened grey denim with a tank top, really laid back tennis shoes and let's not forget the best accesory for summer: SUNGLASSES!! :D Lioil A
Last but not least, if you think shortened is not your thing, or that you might not want to buy a new pair of jeans, just roll them up, put a hat on, prepare your game face on, and get ready to take on the city. Christopher L
This is not the ultimate guide on how to wear denim, but it might help you get on the idea of reviving this classic and making it your own.
Hope you have an amazing day! and remember to share your ideas about the topic. If you have another advice on how to sport denim in a fashionable/contemporary way I'll add it to this publication.
It was a really dull day you know, one of those days in which you come back from work/school and you're like: "Man, today was REALLY fucking awful", when I went into my facebook page and found this message from one of my friends, with the simple phrase: "Check this out!". Being the obedient child I am, I went and checked the link he had mailed me.
It was a link to this cover:
A cover to one of my favourite songs and singers, "Telephone" by lady gaga, done by a band called "pomplamoose" (I still don't quite get the name of the band to be honest, it means grapefruit in french...but still).
The second I heard the angelic voice of Nataly Dawn, and the outstanding musical ability of Jack Conte, I fell maddly in love, head over heels to both of them. The song itself is very different from the original, but still kept it's escence, something very hard to do. I can't simply put into words how much I loved their cover.
But it didn't stop there, they had covers that ranged from Michael Jackson, to the goddess Édith Piaf, going in between Earth,wind and Fire and the always eclectic Beyoncé.
One of their other covers that caught my attention aswell was their rendition of "La vie en Rose", it made me weak to my knees and I literaly choked, the beauty of their rendition is ridiculous.
But don't believe me, see/hear it for yourselves:
The thing is that I wasn't even done. I had to listen to their original material, I mean if it was nearly as goos as their covers I would be pleased, what an outstanding surprise I got when I realized it wasn't half as was twice or even thrice as good as their covers, their material makes you want to sit and just enjoy.
It's a chillaxing, smiling, breatheoffreshairing, and amazingnessing piece of the most delicious part of the independent music pie. They really are a pleasure to listen to. You can listen to it on THEIR MYSPACE.
Adviced tracks: "Twice as Nice", "I Think you need some lovin" and "Hail Mary".
The only critique I would have, and in fact is not a critique, is an advice to all the record label managers and talent agents, GET THEM SIGNED ASAP. This band is too amazing to go under the radar.
Non plus, gives this band/collab 5 stars and a silly hat, so go check them out, buy their tracks and help them get known. You won't regret it.
Again, readers you can post your own ideas and thoughts about this band. So anyway have a good day! :D
For those of you who didn't know, sophie ellis-bextor is back! With a new disco/dance, more refined pop extravanganza vibe, I think she sounds better than ever. Today with the release of her newest video for the song "bittersweet" she's being profiled, like one of the best comebacks of this year. (Not that we've had many comebacks this year)
The song is definitely really catchy and in some sort of way retro but it has this style and grace that only Sophie can add to it. It kinda reminds me of Dead or Alive's "You spin me right round (Like a record)" which to me is majorly wicked. Sophie looks STUNNING, from hair to make up, she's an ode to perfection, I still can't believe she's already a mum. (Congrats btw!)
Anyway, The video looks clean and artsy, not like those weird art things no one likes (e.g your average gallery full of stoned people that think the colours speak to them -ehem-), this one is actualy what I like to call "see through" art, the one that is really beautiful and everyone can find a meaning to it, their own meaning.
The use of light was very VERY cleaver, (kudos to the people in charge of the lights). Clothing wise, every dress she wore was perfect, the fitted dress of the beginning, the smokey dress she uses while jumping, to the purple dress (to die for).
The photography in it is magical, there's plenty of material in that video to create a jaw dropper editorial for any fashion magazine.
The outfits of the dancer were quite clever as well, the drooling and dreamy fabric with the puffy neck pieces made it perfect. However the hair = no, I hated the fauxhawks, they looked liked horses during one of the many fantastic moves they did during the video, next time please get them a stylist that doesn't make the dancers look like shit.
In conclusion, this video is beyond expectations (I had been waiting for this video since the song release), I actualy had invisioned this video to be sort of in a club (thank the gods it wasn't in a club), idk how it relates to the song, but let's be honest most videos now don't relate to the songs (e.g most videos HA!) So enjoy it! I know I am watching it for the 10th time today.
This video's MUST: (FYI: The must list is a list of things seen in a video/look/tv show/etc that you must have or get somehow.) MUST: Yellow nail polish
Leave a comment, honesty is our policy, so don't be afraid to speak your mind.
So after a waiting (let's say a couple of years) for something new from miss xtina, after being pendant of a countdown that was ridiculously glitched over and over and over again, and a crashing site we finally have something.
The image shown above is the cover for her new comming up single "Not myself Tonight" showing a rocker-ish, S&M, vampire mistressesque look. With a little of the drooling font so it looks more evil...right?
I gotta be honest, I expected something a little bit better and ground breaking, I was an aguilera fan back in the dirty days, and I have to say I'm glad she's back to being a little dirty (whitout all the extra r's), but couldn't she think of something better? Lady gaga wannabe?...anyone? (Provided by one of our collaborators: Jay Ponko)
I know I'll get murdered over that comment, but really aguilera? REALLY? are you serious about this "new look". Come on, it has been over and done, I think you're a bit too late on the dark/goth trend, but oh well.
Anyway, we still haven't heard any musical material of the "bionic" album to be released later this year, so I can't give my thoughts on the sound, but the tittle itself makes me think of a club, someone being slutty and a bit drunk hitting over every guy in the scene. I might have to eat up my words later, but that's what it sounds like, at least to me.
So anyway, give me your opinion about the new Legendtina look. I'll be glad to edit this and put the most interesting reviews on it. Have a nice day! :D
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Somos un blog en español/inglés dedicado a celebrar lo mas nuevo y las mas sorprendentes noticias en moda, estilo, tendencias, musica y todo lo que es actual. Si quieres saber que está pasando y quieres estar al día, estas en el lugar indicado.