Apr 30, 2010

Xtina is not herself tonight

So after a whole load of waiting, countdowns, little glimpses, interviews and madness FINALLY we have Xtina's video for her new song "Not Myself Tonight", from the album "bionic".

We've stated out our opinions about the comeback of Legendtina, being some of the adjectives used: "old", "yawn inducive" and "lady gaga-esque", and this video is only confirmation of everything we've said. Is not half bad, if it was a new comer we would definitely have a bit of an eye on her, but she's THE Christina Aguilera, and this pseudo ridiculousness is not accepted.

The first scene with a very stunning beauty shot of Christina gives us the feel that this video might be good, she looks cyber chic, but then glimpses of weirdness and bad atmosphere start showing and you know everything went down the drain.

S&M suits, leather, latex masks, puffy curly hear, that weird gag thing with the sparkles and chains along with other repulsive things worn on this video are just too much to handle, not on a good way.

Then the church scene...is she serious? what was she thinking, it doesn't even match with the whole video, not to mention the scene where she's burning her clothes (anybody's nightmare), what about the lesbian kiss? no Christina, just NO, and the final version of the We-will-fuck-with-our-clothes-on, HELL NO, I understand she's now a MILF, but that was just tacky, it wasn't slightly sexy.

But you be the judge:

Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight

Now don't get us wrong, we like Christina and we wanted her to do well, but this it seems that either her or her look department is working too hard to make her "cool" again, and they are failing miserably.

As the positive minded people we are, we give you the good points, that sexy golden glittery outfit she's wearing on the church scene is very nice, also in the first scene (as stated before) she looks ridiculously beautiful, that neckpiece is a must have and the part in between the rain scene where she has a straight fringe and glittery red lips, is just wow.

Well anyway...Thank you for reading and we ask you, what is your opinion on this video? lady gaga much? do you like it? anything you want to add about it?

See you next blog.

1 comment:

  1. Siento que Not Myself Tonight es una fushion de Lady G* con un poco de Madonna y Algo Beyonce el video tiene buen performance pero no me gusta la secuencia de las imagenes y algunos de look de ella, Lo siento pero soy sincero...

    Esperare tu proxima publicacion...

    hasta luego.
